Blue Home Improvement Loans – Ideal Home Upgrade Finance

Many South Africans aspire towards upward mobility. With a rapidly expanding middle class in Sub-Saharan Africa, an increased number of homeowners will be seeking to enhance their homes in the coming years. According to the National Credit Regulator (NCR), there were 12% more applications for credit in December 2012 than September of the same year in South Africa. Evidence shows that unsecured loans make the bulk of applications lately. Blue Financial Services is an institution which has an ideal loan for individuals seeking to improve their homes.
The Blue Home improvement loan is offered to clients from a minimum of R1000 up to R50 000. An advantage of this loan is that there is no collateral needed, so applicants do not need to provide an asset to obtain the loan. Clients also get to invest in an asset which will grow in value over time. As a savvy homeowner, it’s advisable to match the size of the scope of the project to the right sources of financing. It’s for this reason that Blue Financial Services realises the value in meeting clients halfway by providing solutions tailored to suit their home improvement needs.
The lender has partnered with leading building material supplier Cashbuild and other suppliers to help get the best products for building. To simplify the material acquisition process for clients, a Blue Home Improvement Loan Loyalty Card has been devised to load the loan amount onto it, thus allowing clients to make purchases at the supplier partners.
For ideal home upgrade finance solutions, contact Blue Financial Services on: 012 990 4300 or SMS the keyword “blue” to 32545 and they will call you back.