Izwe Loans — Flexible Loans On Your Terms

Izwe Loans — Flexible Loans On Your Terms

Micro-finance is a source of financial services for individuals,families and even entrepreneurs lacking access to banking and related services.The mechanism for the delivery of financial services to such clients is relationship based banking. Micro-finance can also be described as a conduit through which poor and near poor households have permanent access to an appropriate range of high quality financial services which includes credit, savings and even fund transfers. One business house living up to this is Izwe loans.

Established in 2004, Izwe loans is a specialist finance company targeting the formally employed market with an unsecured term loan offering. Boasting of 18 branches nationwide and a business presence that stretches into Ghana, Kenya and Zambia, Izwe loans has grown into a dynamic and rapidly developing pan-African micro finance organisation.

Izwe loans operates as a registered micro-financier and makes available unsecured loans which currently do not exceed R50,000 with tenors up to 60 months. Todate Izwe loans has disturbed over R1 billion to over 150,000 customers. Izwe finance is categorised into personal loans, building loans, student loans, consolidation loans and general loans.

Personal loans are offered as purpose based personal loans to suit your personalised needs.These personalised needs could be your dream home,consolidating your current debt or meeting unforeseen expenditure.Loan amounts offered range from R1,000 to R50,000 with repayments running between 9 to 60 months.

Izwe Building loans are designed to cater for your building needs when it comes to renovations or even constructions. Izwe Loans’ Student Loans allow you to pay off your child’s education over a period of time that is tailor made to your personal circumstances. This can be done over as little as 9 months or as long as 60 months, depending on your financial situation.

The consolidation loan is designed for those having difficulty in repaying several loans.With this loan,you can take multiple outstanding debts and consolidate them into a single, more manageable loan.This means you will take out one new loan and use that loan to pay off all your other debts. General loans as the name suggests gives you the freedom to spend your money however you feel it.

Izwe loans can be contacted on 0102067400



Categories: Loans