Travel Finance Tips

Travel Finance Tips

Travelling can be a rewarding, fun and exhilarating experience. Having the money to travel is one thing. It’s also important to consider savvy ways of spending and making the most of your finances while travelling. Here are a few Travel Finance Tips to consider: 

Track your travel expenses:

You can use an online travel budget planning/tracking tool for this to help you make realistic decisions when it comes to planning for your trip.

Save money by calling before booking online:

Granted, the internet has made life much easier, but you don’t always get the best deals this way. Compare the price you can get online to the one offered by phone and factor in any fees.

Don’t carry around too much cash:

This tip is like the Holy Grail of Travel 101. Cash may not be covered by your travel insurance if it’s lost or stolen. So rather stick to using a credit card for making bigger purchases. Using a credit card can actually save you up to 15%. Remember not to use your credit card to withdraw cash unless it’s an emergency. It’s cheaper to withdraw cash with a debit card than a credit card. Using a worldwide payment network makes it easier for you to be able to use your credit card. This network dictates the number of merchant locations as well as the countries in which you can use your credit card.

Communicate with your bank:

Inform your bank and credit provider if you’re going abroad. For your own protection, your bank may sometimes block unusual transactions to prevent fraud. So let them know of your plans so you can avoid any hassles when using your money.

Know your numbers:

Make photocopies of your credit, debit or prepaid card(s) then scan and email them to yourself so you have a record whilst you’re on the road. Also ensure you store your cards separately so that you have a backup if you lose one.

With these Travel Finance Tips you are sure to have a safe, pleasant trip and you’ll be prepared for any eventuality.

Categories: Financial tips