Kathlego Cash Loans
Are you looking for a reliable short-term loan provider with a trusted reputation in the industry? Or perhaps you’re in need of quick finance but don’t have the time to visit your bank. You may need a short-term cash loan to protect you during unexpected financial emergencies. As long as you are NOT blacklisted and you don’t have judgements against your name or any overdue accounts, Kathlego Cash Loans may be the ideal lender for you.
Kathlego Cash Loans has been servicing the unsecured short-term loan market in South Africa since 2010. It now boasts of a clientele that ranges within the thousands. The institution has earned a favourable reputation in the industry as being a professional, compassionate and able financial service provider. Kathlego’s quality staff operations have also ensured record turnaround time for each loan application.
What’s in it for you?
Kathlego provides Personal Loans of up to R3000, with low interest rates. Also called unsecured loans or signature loans, these options require no upfront collateral. Clients are given a reasonable 3 month repayment period.
Kathlego Payday Loans are a convenient way of getting cash instantly during extremely tight financial months. Individuals need to have good credit records. Once an application is approved, Kathlego transfers funds within 24 hours, and in turn you are required to repay the loan amount with inclusive fees on your next payday. This amount will be debited by Kathlego out of your account on the selected day. It’s highly essential that individuals only apply for credit once they are completely certain they will be able to pay it back.
Kathlego’s success as a leading 21st century institution is largely owing to its innovative technology. Loan applications can be made online after supplying personal and work details.
For reliable loans, contact Kathlego on: 057 212 5688.