Absa trade finance solutions

Trade finance in the broader context of things signifies financing for trade,and it concerns both domestic and international trade transactions. A trade transaction requires a seller of goods and services as well as a buyer. In this sort of scenario, various intermediaries such as banks and financial institutions can facilitate these transactions by financing the trade.Because of the critical role that this sector plays in the economy, Absa which is one of the biggest banks in the country has stepped in to start offering trade finance solutions. Absa trade finance solutions are offered in form of letters of credit, bonds, guarantees and indemnities, documentary collections, trade finance and trade loans.
Absa letters of Credit provide support to businesses of any size or complexity, and can help cover trading risks by allowing you to protect against defaults on overseas payments and performance. Letters of Credit often act as gateways to a whole range of international products and services, such as Foreign Exchange products and risk mitigation, where income benefits can be extensive.
Bonds,Guarantees and Indemnities enable you to Provide your buyer with a financial commitment to supply goods or services as agreed under a contract,
Make your proposition more attractive to your buyer, be supported throughout the life cycle of the contract by a wide range of guarantees and choose from standard or bespoke wordings that provide you and your buyer the guarantee that meets your specific needs.
You can receive and make export and import payments efficiently and securely with the Absa documentary Collections service. The documentary collections service offers a straightforward, efficient, secure and globally-recognised method of settling export and import payments.
Trading overseas can be profitable,but also involves risk. Exporters must ensure they pay for the goods they provide and importers must receive the goods they paid for. We can assist your import and export activity and help maximise your international and domestic trading potential, while improving cash flow with traditional trade products right through to bespoke finance solutions.
Trade loans are an important and well-established trade finance technique, particularly suited to wholesalers and manufacturers. Trade Loans improve cash flow by allowing you to pay your supplier promptly for your purchases or imports while receiving extended credit terms.
Absa can be contacted on 0860227232.