Cash Converters Loans Online
PayDay Advance is a simple way for customers to get a much needed cash boost as a short-term loan till their next payday. The product from Cash Converters is fully compliant with the National Credit Act. This means that you can apply for a Cash Converters loan online.
Cash Converters strives to continuously provide its customers with an easy way to access cash. In these tough economic times many consumers are cash strapped and access to ready cash is always greatly needed.
This latest product is the simplest way to get a short-term loan till your next payday. All you need to comply for the loan is to be currently employed and have a bank account, as easy as that. On taking out your first loan with Cash Converters you will be issued a PayDay Advance customer card that will make your next advance much easier. This card can also be used at any other participating Cash Converters Store.
Richard Mukheibir, the managing director of Cash Converters South Africa, says we the balance of 2009 in an effort to make the product available to all South Africans. He goes on to add that the PayDay Advance product launch in South Africa is following the international trend in response to consumers’ needs to readily access cash.
The original way to access cash was to convert all those unwanted goods that you have at home into cash by selling them to Cash Converters. You simply bring your goods to the store in Victoria Centre where you will be paid instant cash for your goods. This is an easy and quick way of disposing of your goods. Nor do you have to incur costs of advertising and then having to deal with complete strangers in your home.
In 2006 Cash Converters introduced the Cash Advance product where you use your goods as security to take out a short-term loan for one month only. On repaying the loan you get your goods back. This is a great way to use your goods to access cash and you don’t have to sell them outright.