Clientele loans, providing the ideal finance
Clientele life is a registered financial services provider. Clientele has earned a glowing reputation for being a reliable provider of insurance and other financial services and products. One of the products which has positively impacted the market is the Clientele personal loans.
Clientele offers clients personal loans ranging from R3,000 to R120,000 with repayment periods running between 18 to 60 months. This money can be utilised by clients to pay for school fees, carry out car repairs, home renovations, account consolidation and more. The interest rate on these loans is fixed for the full term of the loan.
To qualify for the Clientele loans, one must be 18 years and above, be a South African resident, earn a minimum permanent salary of R2,500 per month or more, have clear credit references and have a bank account where your salary is paid into and where repayment debit orders can be conducted.
Clientele loans can be applied for online with no face to face interviews involved. This loan is also unsecured which means you don’t have to provide collateral as security. If all the requirements are met, the loan is finalised in 48 hours and money is deposited directly into your bank account.
Personal loans from Clientele also come with a personal protection plan which enables your outstanding loan balance to be settled in the event of your death, permanent disability or if you contract a dread disease.
– Clientele can be contacted on 0113203000.