FinChoice Loans – a range of favourable options

FinChoice is a financial services provider within the Home Choice division. Its services are in dual form: it caters for short and long term financial needs. Personal loans are provided by FinChoice which can be used to pay for anything the client needs, such as medical bills, education or home renovations.

In all its dealings, FinChoice aims to be an institution governed by accountability and professionalism.  Transparent and ethical, FinChoice upholds moral and legal codes of practice.

What do you need to qualify?
If you are a South African resident, with a valid South African I.D. as well as an active bank account, you may potentially qualify for a loan. FinChoice exclusively services individuals who are in good credit standing.

How much can I get?
FinChoice loans are offered from R2,000 up to R25000 maximum. The most popular product is their 6 month flexi-loan which offers up to R8,000 in finance.

Flexible repayment terms are provided, over a period of 6, 12 or 24 months.

What are the benefits?

  • There are no forms to fill in and approval rates are fast (within 10 minutes.)
  • FinChoice KwikService allows you to manage your account via your cellphone.
  • The loan comes with a FinChoice Protection Plan. This covers you in the event of unforeseen circumstances and gives your family peace of mind so that they don’t have to worry about paying your unpaid bills.
  • There are fixed monthly instalments. This ensures you are shielded from fluctuating interest rates.
  •         Subject to FinChoice approval, there are options available to skip a full instalment.

For favourable short and long term finance solutions, call FinChoice Loans: 0861 346 246

FinChoice Loans

Categories: General