FNB Overdraft Loan

An FNB overdraft loan is a convenient, short-term credit facility that is ideal for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances.
What an FNB Overdraft Loan offers me:

An FNB overdraft loan is a convenient, short-term credit facility that is ideal for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances.
- Immediately availability upon approval, and if you don’t use it you don’t pay for it
- No minimum monthly repayments as long as you remain within the agreed limit and make regular deposits such as your salary into your cheque account
- A fluctuating facility, which reduces with monthly deposits
- A personalised interest rate based on your credit profile
- A monthly fee, only if more than R200 of the facility is used
FNB also offers a Debt Protection Plan to assist you and your family to pay overdraft (credit facility) debt in the event of your death or permanent disability. To ease the financial burden in the event of temporary disability or retrenchment, they will help pay your monthly instalments on the covered facility.
What the FNB Overdraft Business offers me:
- The facility is linked to your Business Account and provides the ability to make payments even when there are no cash funds available in your account, thus avoiding penalty fees and additional charges
- Accessibility to the required cash flow you need to run your business
- No minimum monthly payment as long as you remain within the agreed limit
- Payments into the overdraft facility make funds available for use again
- Flexibility, as you can deal with unexpected expenses and capitalise on any opportunities
- Monthly repayments are based on the amount of credit you used
What this allows me to do:
- Enjoy FREE access to Instant Accounting – an easy-to-use online accounting solution which uses your FNB Online Banking statements to do your bookkeeping automatically every night.
- Enjoy FREE access to Instant Accounting Insights – giving you a monthly snapshot of your business’ cash flow, income and expenses.
- The opportunity to apply for the new FNB Visa Business Cheque Card with Chip and PIN technology, the most secure cheque card available today, that helps your business save money.