If you are looking for extra cash to help you finance a big event in your life, pay for a medical emergency or even for renovations on your home, a Nedbank Personal Loan may be ideal.
You get a customised interest rate, to suit your unique individual needs. The loan amount you are granted will also be based on your individual credit profile.
The application process is straightforward and there is minimal paperwork involved. You won’t have to spend hours waiting in long bank queues to get a chance to speak to a consultant.
Nedbank is a registered credit provider and is fully compliant with the National Credit Act, so you can rest assured that the entire loan process will be transparent and simple.
Loans are available from R1000 to a maximum of R200 000, with a repayment period of between 12 and 60 months. A debit order repayment plan can be arranged to ensure that you don’t miss any payments and that you pay on time.
Once you have been approved for a loan, the amount is deposited directly into your bank account.
Nedbank endorses responsible lending processes so it will only lend to you if you can truly afford it. The bank won’t contribute towards you becoming over-indebted.
You have the freedom to choose how you want to spend your loan amount. Whether it’s for starting a small business venture or for paying for your child’s education, the choice is completely yours.
Visit the Nedbank website here: www.nedbank.co.za or call on 0860 103 582.