GEP — Enterprise Finance

South Africa has made great strides in attaining a robust and fast growing economy. Such growth has partly been supported by availability of business loans and the situation has also precipitated the need for more loans for business.
Several of South Africa’s national banks are involved in encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial activity.They are able to provide initial start up capital,working capital,short,mid and long term lending as well as business support. One business concern playing an instrumental role in this regard is the Gauteng Enterprise Propeller (GEP).
Established in 2005, GEP is a provincial government agency operating under the auspices of the DEpartment of Economic Development to provide non financial support,financial support and coordinate stakeholders for the benefit of Small Medium and Micro Enterprises in Gauteng.
The objectives of GEP are to,promote,foster and develop small enterprises, implement the policy of the Gauteng Provincial Government for small enterprise development, design and implement small enterprise development support programmes, establish and promote a support network in order to increase the contribution of small enterprises, promote economic growth, job creation and equity, integrate all government funded small enterprise support agencies, strengthen the capacity of service providers to assist small enterprises to compete successfully and promote the access of information.
GEPs enterprise finance support programme provides entrepreneurs with benefits such as access to finance, a flexible approach to doing business, competitive lending rates, fair conditions of contract, fair and equitable rates, terms and conditions, personalised service, information, advice and guidance on business issues, access to support skills and capabilities normally only available to big business, better performance with limited own resources, aftercare service through relationship managers and mentors who will visit the business to offer advice or act as a sounding board and gaining valuable experience and knowledge.
GEP can be contacted on 0110852001