Grindrod Bank Loans

Grindrod Bank is a national financial institution based in South Africa, with offices in Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria. For nearly two decades, Grindrod Bank has operated as a competitive investment bank offering a personalised approach to financial services and Grindrod bank loans through its established relationships with private, corporate and institutional investors.
Grindrod Bank Corporate Loans
They provide short-to-medium term financing options to existing Grindrod Securities, Grindrod Asset Management and Grindrod Bank clients. These facilities are secured by their clients’ portfolios which enable them to either re-invest into their respective investments or gear their portfolios for other business interests. Term loans and overdraft facilities are also offered to business entities on the proviso that the facility is secured by 1st class security.
Grindrod Bank Property Lending

Grindrod Bank Property Solutions can offer tailored finance options, ranging from pure debt to equity participation via shareholding in relevant entities partnering with private investors.
The Property Solutions division at Grindrod Bank is a niche financier in the South African property market known for its expertise in commercial and industrial property finance, hence its strategic focus on this segment of the property market. Property Solutions can offer tailored finance options, ranging from pure debt to equity participation via shareholding in relevant entities partnering with private investors.
The Bank has national representation and its success is based on quick turnaround times, developing strong relationships with their clients and providing personalised service.
Debtor Finance
THey provide a confidential Invoice Discounting facility to qualifying businesses where the debtors’ book is used as the primary collateral. The business has access to 80% of the fundable book with obvious benefits being the accelerated cash-flow from trade credit sales, the ability to fund growth and the opportunity of availing of trade creditor discounts for early payment.
The benefits include:
- Improved cash flow by releasing a portion of funds against the value of outstanding invoices;
- It gives you access to an ongoing supply of cash that grows as your sales grow;
- Management time is freed to drive the business forward as you are no-longer spending time on unpaid accounts and are no-longer held back by insufficient cash flow.