Just Money Short Term Loans

Just Money Short Term Loans

Just Money Short Term Loans

Just Money is an online portal that allows cash borrowers in South Africa to make comparison about the financial services and terms of payment among the various lending institutions in the country. Their website allows a customer to find the best cash loan provider suitable to their circumstances and their ability to pay. It also offers cash saving tips so that individuals will have a more stable financial standing in the future.

Just Money does not provide short-term loans. Their service is to provide a portal where individuals in need of emergency financial help can look for the best financial service provider. They have an online loan calculator so a would-be borrower can easily compare fees and interest rates offered by several cash lending companies. Just Money also has a list of banks, investment houses and credit card companies where individuals can compare rates and fees to help them make a decision when they need to open a bank account; look for good investments or apply for a credit card.

Their database has a list of lending firms, with cash loan offers ranging between R1, 000 – R100, 000, payable from 6 – 72 months. With this free service, a borrower only needs to fill up a contact form, which includes personal information and the amount of cash needed. A specialist will get in touch with the applicant and assist him or her in completing the loan application.

Summary of services include:
• Short-term personal loans
• Cash loans online
• Loans up to R100,000
• 6–72 Months repayment term
• Loan protection option
• Easy online application
• JustMoney.co.za is FREE

Categories: Loans