Loanwise Loan Brokers
Loanwise Loan Brokers
For most people, searching for a personal loan can be a time-consuming process. This is why it can be helpful getting assistance from a loan broker. Loanwise is one such financial institution- providing efficient loan brokerage services.
Why choose the services offered by Loanwise?
Loanwise provides access to loans of up to R200 000 with flexible repayment terms.
Loanwise also works with reputable lenders. The broker is associated with lending institutions that are fully compliant with the National Credit Regulator (NCR.) Even though Loanwise does not conduct any credit checks, the lenders may do so. Loans are only granted to individuals who can afford to make repayments comfortably every month.
Repayment terms are generally offered up to 72 months, depending on whether the lender has approved your application.
The loan searching process is simpler with Loanwise. The broker will do all the hard work for you by connecting you with the ideal lender that understands your needs and your budget.
General criteria for qualifying for a loan:
• Provide a valid South African ID
• Be over 21 years of age
• Be permanently employed for more than 4 months with your current employer
• Have a monthly salary that is paid into a South African bank account with debit order facilities
Once you have qualified for a loan, the amount will be paid directly into your bank account. There are also no limits placed on you in terms of how you can use the loan. Use to pay for tertiary education costs, for car repairs, for home renovations or for an emergency medical bill.
Loanwise is a nationwide brokerage, so you can access the services no matter where you are in South Africa. The service is also available online, so there is no need to make any branch visits. To contact Loanwise, call: 021 204 7031.