Mazars financial services

Mazars financial services is a South African financial services provider with unique speciality in both the investment and risk spheres. Mazars manages portfolios on a discretional and non-disicretional basis. Mazars range of services  include investment planning and management, retirement planning, independent risk planing which addresses life, disability, critical illness and income protection as well as comprehensive family planning.

Using the long history in the business and reliable partnerships built over the years, Mazars assists clients to structure investment portfolios in the most tax efficient manner and ensuring that all tax certificates and relevant documentation is processed efficiently. Mazars has also put together a team of skilled individuals with experience in local and offshore investments. This team also relies on direct interaction with the fund managers of leading international asset management companies to support investment views.

Mazars can therefore be trusted for money management expertise on retirement funds e.g pension, provident and retirement annuities, living annuities as well as flexible investment portfolios e.g collective investment schemes, shares, property, cash alternatives and endowments.

Mazars is a unique institution which has committed to service excellence and meeting its clients on a regular basis. Mazars can be contacted on 0218185119 and clients will receive the necessary assistance.

Categories: General

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