National Empowerment Fund

Black economic empowerment and in particular black empowerment finance is an important matter within the corridors of power and in the hearts of the masses.This programme embarked on by the South African government is designed to redress the inequalities of apartheid by giving certain previously disadvantaged groups such as Blacks, Coloureds,Indians and Chinese economic privileges previously not available to them.This includes measures such as employment preference,skills development, ownership, management,socioeconomic development and preferential procurement. One institution spearheading these efforts is the National Empowerment Fund(NEF).
Established by the National Empowerment Fund Act No 105 of 1998 (NEF Act), the National Empowerment Fund (the NEF) is a driver and thought-leader in promoting and facilitating black economic participation by providing financial and non-financial support to black empowered businesses, and by promoting a culture of savings and investment among black people. NEF differentiates itself not only with a focused mandate for BB-BEE, but by also assuming a predominantly equity-based risk to maximise the Empowerment Dividend.
NEF believes reward should balance the risk with the application of sound commercial decisions to support national priorities and government policy. NEF funding is available in four distinct categories such as iMbewu Fund,uMnotho Fund, Rural and Community Development Fund as well as Strategic Projects Fund.
iMbewu Fund offers entrepreneurship finance, procurement finance and franchise finance. uMnotho Fund offers acquisition finance,new venture finance,expansion capital,capital markets as well as liquidity and warehousing. Rural and Community Development Fund caters for acquisition, new venture capital and expansion capital. Strategic Projects Fund caters for empowerment objectives.
If you are in need of the above listed products and services,you can contact the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) on 0861843633.