Real People Loan Contact Details

Real People Loans for people who are in need of finance. You can apply for a loan of up R 100 000 and you will receive an answer in only 24 hours, after which the money will be deposited into your account. You can also apply for a Real People Home Improvement Loan this type of a loan is very great if you want to renovate you home by buying building materials etc.
The Real People Home Improvement Loan enables you to finance your home improvement requirements. Whether you are adding an extra room, putting in new kitchen fittings, paving your driveway or even painting your home, we have an affordable, simple finance solution for you. For your convenience Real people has agreements with leading home improvement retail stores country-wide, so you can choose where you want to purchase your homebuilding materials or goods for building, renovating or home improvements.
The Real People Home Improvement Loan is only available at the stores that we have agreements with. You will need to go to a store to apply for your home improvement loan.
Real People has agreed with a wide range of participating retail hardware stores to give you the convenience of buying home improvement materials at a store closest to you.
Why do you have to go to a store to complete your application?
Their participating stores assist them with loan application process by checking for supporting documentation.
What is the interest rate on your loan?
The interest charged on a Real People Home Improvement Loan is dependent on your credit profile.
Real People loan contact details are as follows:
Telephone: 0861 10 17 24
Fax: 086 772 2001