Taking Out a School Loan
If you are planning on furthering your studies, you will very likely need support in terms of finance to pay for your tuition. Studying can be expensive, which is why school loan can be a great option for you to consider. School loans, also called study loans, are available from most banks, as well as independent credit providers, and the one you choose should be one that provides you with finance. You need with the right terms that you can afford.
ABSA Student Loans
You can apply for an ABSA study loan that will allow you to pay for your tuition, books and accommodation. There are many benefits to a study loan from ABSA:
- You’ll pay Prime +1.8% on your loan
- You can get a 15% discount on study equipment when they apply for a study loan
- The study loan forms part of the Student Package, which includes a student credit card and a cheque account
- Access to a Credit Protection Plan which covers the outstanding amount of the study loan in events of disability, retrenchment, dread disease or loss of life
Eduloan Study Loans
Eduloan started in 1996 and has to date provided study loans to more than 800,000 individuals. Their study loans or affordable and they are the leading choice when it comes to taking out a student loan. The offer study loans to students, where they want to go to school, university or college. They also offer loans to help you to cover outstanding balance and registration fees as well as pay for all your study related items like textbooks, laptops and other study equipment.
Taking a school it’s a great idea especially if you are a full-time student that needs to fund your studies. You can choose to only repay the interest portion of your loan while you’re studying full-time, and repay the rest of the loan as soon as you have graduated.