Emperor Tax Free Investing

It is an economic fact that regardless of your personality type, lifestyle or interests, safeguarding your current and future financial security is one aspect one cant ignore.The world of finance is extremely intimidating but this intimidation can be lessened once you learn the lingo and major developments. One critical development that has been witnessed within South Africa’s financial markets is tax free investing. Emperor tax free investing has become the answer in this regard.
South African tax system follows one basic principle, if you earn money, you get taxed on it.With Emperor tax free investing, all proceeds into your tax free savings investment account will be 100% tax free.This entity offers you tax free investing platforms.With this facility, you don’t have to worry about income tax, capital gains tax or dividend withholding tax. You can withdraw money without being taxed or penalised and its up to you when you want to deposit or withdraw.
The investment amount limits involved are lump sum minimum of R5000, lump sum maximum of R30,000 and monthly debit order minimum of R500. You’ll be responsible for ensuring that your contributions don’t exceed the annual limit. SARS will charge a 41% tax on contributions above the limit so make sure you don’t go over it.
Whether you are a first timer, mid life or retirement investor, its evident that tax free investing with Emperor Asset Management is well worth your while. Emperor can be contacted on 0879406121.