Bad Credit Loans Reviews
In South Africa, consumers are able to get assistance from lenders that offer bad credit loans. Financial difficulties have pushed many people into debt and unfortunately, a few of those individuals are unable to manage that debt effectively. This leads them into a downward spiral of bad debt, which affects their ability to get access to credit.
Here are some reviews of bad credit loans:
Just Affordable Loans
This is a loan originator that sources loans from a variety of different micro lenders. The institution is able to source bad credit loans ranging from R1000 to a maximum of R100 000. Just Affordable Loans specialises in assisting consumers with securing personal loans.
Blacklisted individuals are welcome to apply, so even if you have a bad credit history, you may have high chances of approval.
This institution has over 10 years of experience in the microfinance sector and aims to provide clients with speedy, flexible and convenient service.
As an applicant, the amount you qualify for us based on your current income and debt. Your credit history won’t factor into your application. There is a fast assessment process as well as a quick turnaround rate. After approval you can expect to receive the cash on the same day or by the next day.
The loan you qualify for will have a higher interest rate, while repayment terms are flexible. In addition, there are no upfront fees and processes are transparent, so you don’t have to worry about any hidden fees.
SA Loan Services
Forming part of the Finance Wizard, which is one of the fastest growing personal microfinance providers in South Africa; SA Loan Services has been operating since 2004.
This lender specialises in providing financial products and services to blacklisted individuals. With SA Loan Services, there is no need to allow a bad credit record to prevent you from borrowing money.
Unsecured loans are offered, so no collateral is required. If you are employed and are able to access the online application, you may be considered. Repayment periods are also quite flexible, at between 1 and 7 years.
SA Loan Services offers speedy and comprehensive service based on experience.