Easy Cash Loans

Easy Cash Loans

Easy Cash Loans is a provider of quick, convenient small loans. These loans provide easy access to money when you are facing a financial emergency. 

Tell me more about Easy Cash Loans?

This institution strives to provide individuals in need of finance with extra money through easy applications without hassles. Easy Cash Loans understands that it’s not always possible to pay for goods and services in cash. At times there are circumstances that push us to the limit financially. Banks may not always be able to help. Micro-lending institutions like Easy Cash Loans may be useful here. The introduction of the National Credit Act in 2007 created more opportunities for ordinary consumers to get help from various avenues.

Easy Cash Loans provides short term loans, so they are repayable within a period of about four weeks. Depending on your needs however, it is sometimes possible to extend the loan term.  In accordance with the NCA, interest will be charged. A direct debit order repayment will be arranged, which will include the principal, interest as well as fees.

Not suitable for regular use, these loans are ideal for emergencies. Easy Cash Loans won’t lend to you unless you can definitely afford to make repayments. They will not lend to you if you are over-indebted.

There are no credit checks – just quick and convenient solutions.


Contact Easy Cash Loans by calling: 015 491 1334 (Contact Person: Twanette Venter)

Alternatively, email them here: ecl5@telkomsa.net

Easy Cash Loans address:

Old Trust Bank Building

72 Thabo Mbeki Drive



Categories: Loans