Household budget app to track your spendings
Your household is like your castle therefore you want to run it as efficiently as possible and to do that also means staying on top of your monthly household expenses. Which involve not only monetary money but also store cards and reward cards when you’re out there spending your hard earned cash.
Well why not let Stocard (Android) and Wallet (Apple App Store) simplify what good household financials mean. What’s Stocard and Wallet you may be asking well definitely not another rewards programme or rewards card to stash in your wallet, no they’re the latest in a household budget app to track your spending.
Stocard and Wallet work well with your loyalty cards. After all, loyalty cards allow you to save quite a bit when you tally up all your cash backs.
How Stocard works:
Stocard works with a bar-code scanner that allows you to scan your cards and they will then upload automatically on to the interface.
You can also manually upload any cards that aren’t listed in the options menu by typing in the card’s number. The only problem is that not all the store assistants know what to do with a virtual card, and may need to type the number in.
How Wallet works:
Wallet goes one step further, allowing you to keep your credit, debit, store cards, boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, reward cards and more in one place. The only catch, of course, is that you need an iPhone, as it’s based off the Apple architecture.
With Wallet, you can use passes on your iPhone to check in for flights, get and redeem rewards, get into movies, or redeem coupons. Passes can include useful information such as the balance on your coffee card, your coupon’s expiration date, your seat number for a concert, and such according to Apple.
These are the apps to have when it would come down to staying organised with your household budget and spending.