Iemas Financial Services- Maximising Benefits for Members

Iemas Financial Services- Maximising Benefits for Members

Getting fast access to loans in times of need is a desire many individuals have. Taking a loan out for financing the purchase of a vehicle or home, or to cover medical expenses is a process that should ideally be simple and quick. Iemas Financial Services is a credit provider that gives clients transparent services. Borrowers are ensured of packages designed with their needs in mind and systems to ensure they remain comfortable during the full repayment term.

Some information about Iemas Financial Services:

Iemas takes the form of a co-operative. Essentially, the company only provides financial services to its members, who jointly own and control the company itself with all profits generated being distributed among members.

This allows Iemas to focus on maximising benefits for its members.

Iemas has over 77 years of experience in the financial industry and has developed expertise as a responsible and reliable monetary services provider. The company has a goal to continue building its already solid reputation to become the most preferred financial co-operative in South Africa.


A range of financial services, including vehicle finance, mini and maxi loans, personal and emergency loans and pension backed loans are provided by Iemas Financial Services. Insurance is also provided, in the form of short-term and life insurance. Purchase Cards are also available. These purchase cards provide additional advantages to members. Iemas has activated a tax free benefit allocation on their annual interest, as well on short-term insurance premiums and purchases made using the card.

Depending on the profit margin attained and the percentage approved at each Annual General Meeting, Iemas profits are directed straight back for its members, ensuring that as a member, you receive ample returns on members’ investments.

How can you become an Iemas member?

You can do this by simply making use of any of the services mentioned above. This allows you to participate and share in the growth and rewards that the co-operative has to offer.

Demonstrating Iemas’ goal to create value for its members, in 2013, R123 million in benefits was allocated to members.

Categories: Loans