Micro lenders in Johannesburg
Micro lenders. Instant cash has always been a preference for many people in financial distress. This desperate attempt to lay hands on some finance has become the defining line between seeking help from a registered micro lender or even running next door or street to a popular loan shark.
A loan shark is a person or body that offers loans at extremely high interest rates and often times characterised by predatory lending tactics such as hidden terms and conditions or even threats of violence. This therefore makes loan sharks the last solution one should consider to get financial assistance. Registered micro lenders on the other hand are well-regulated and operate within the confines of the financial laws of the land. In the city of Johannesburg, there are some legally compliant micro lenders one can consider.
Izwe loans – Izwe loans is a specialist finance company targeting the formally employed market with an unsecured, salary based term-loan offering. Izwe offers up to R50,000 to clients in loan amounts.
Mzansi micro finance – Mzansi micro finance is a supplier of short-term unsecured finance offering customers loan amounts of up to R10,000. Repayment periods on these loans run up to 12 months.
Bridge loans – Bridge loans is a trusted loan originator which means they are specialists in managing the relationship between the client and the credit provider negotiating for the best rates, fees and services on behalf of the client.
Atlas finance – Atlas finance has grown in stature and stability over the years with a range of financial credit solutions tailored for diverse clientele.
Letsatsi finance – With over 40 branches nationwide and 13 years of experience in micro finance, Letsatsi offers a range of affordable financial products.
Gauteng Enterprise Propeller – GEP is a Johannesburg based financial institution established to provide access to finance to micro businesses. This facility benefits start-up and existing businesses.
The above inconclusive list of micro lenders in Johannesburg will surely meet clients needs.