What Makes Standard Bank Personal Loan Different In South Africa

If you are looking for a loan, a Standard Bank personal loan may just be the perfect solution. Although there is no Standard Bank personal loans for blacklisted individuals, you can take out a loan of up to R300,000 if you qualify.
Why choose a Standard Bank Personal Loan?
- Highly competitive interest rates
- Budget more effectively with fixed monthly repayments
- Funds are paid straight into your current account
- No early termination fees
- Chance to increase rewards tier as a UCount member
If you need money to cover an unexpected expense, to consolidate debt or to assist with a planned occasion then a personal loan has its benefits. Unlike a credit card, applying for personal finance comes with competitive interest rates. If you’re approved, your money will be instantly transferred into your account. Now what? Sure, you’ve committed to a fixed monthly repayment and you have Credit Life Insurance should you be retrenched, disabled or in the event of death. But how can you effectively manage your personal loan?
Student Loans
For a loan to be approved, the course as well as the institution you have choses must be accredited by one of the following entities: Department of Higher Education (DHE), SETA; SAQA; or Umalusi.
If your student loan is approved and an accommodation loan is included, the accommodation money is paid to the place of residence. The tuition fee will also be paid directly to the institution. The remaining balance can either then be transferred to the transactional account or left in the student loan account. You only pay back your loan on completion of your studies.