Getting a Loan From Real Easy Finance

Getting a Loan From Real Easy Finance

There may be many reasons why you’re looking for a personal loan, and he says you can easily apply online, making the entire application process very easy. If you are approved you have the money available in your bank account in less than a day, which is normally very fast compared to taking out a personal loan from the bank. But it is important to choose the right lender to work with, which is why you should consider getting a loan from Real Easy Finance.

Real Easy Finance Ltd is an independent company that assist individuals to access a full range of financial services. There are services include the following:

  • Debt Mediation
  • New bonds
  • Recurring bonds
  • Consolidation loans
  • Vehicle finance
  • Personal loans

When you submit your application for a loan, Real Easy Finance will compare hundreds of loan products so that you can find the right set of products that will suit your unique financial needs. They can assist you with loans of up to 300,009 and there is no upfront fees to pay, only a once off administration fee of R280. This fee will take effect on the next salary date after your application has been processed.

In addition to personal loans they also offer assistance with vehicle finance, and they can arrange for finance of up to R300,000 with no deposit necessary. In order to apply for finance, you will need the following;

  • Be permanently employed
  • Have your latest payslip
  • Have a valid drivers licence
  • Be a South African citizen
  • Earn a basic salary of R 2000 +
  • Be over 18 years and younger than 60 years
  • Have a bank account in your name

Apply for a loan is very easy as you can do so online or you can find one of the consultants will take you through the process and confirm within your application has been approved.

Categories: Loans